Finally, Messianic Scriptures with a Hebraic Orientation!

Today's Israelites want Hebraically-oriented Scriptures that don't leave out the Messiah, and that use the proper Names for our Creator. Well, here they are! Some are still under construction or being translated, but we're trying to finish the most important ones first.
Torah for the Whole House of Israel
The foundation of all Scriptural understanding, with the kind of commentary you've seen at this site.
The Prophets:
Isaiah and Hosea thus far.
The Renewed Covenant (New Testament)
Portions of Matthew, John, Romans, and Galatians so far.
Torah for Children
Here's an Israelite Bible for kids! So far, Genesis, with a photo album from Israel, a quiz, and maps.
Related Sites
Back to the Ancient Path
Basic teaching on Hebrew Roots, the Return of the rest of Israel, How to Interpret the Bible, What the Bible Really Says about several controversial issues, and more.
Congregation Beth Lechem
The providers of this web site, with some deeper teachings about the Festivals, the Torah, and the City of Jerusalem.